White papers

Our latest thinking, research and opinions on customer vulnerability and Consumer Duty.

Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

How to identify vulnerable customers

This paper examines why firms are unaware of the extent of their customers’ vulnerabilities and provides strategies and ideas for a more comprehensive, accurate and inclusive means of assessment.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Vulnerability is not binary, and why this matters

This paper looks at why vulnerability is not a binary issue, and what firms can do to more adequately meet the needs of the FCA’s Consumer Duty regulations, provide their business with the right management information – and serve their customers in the most ethical way.

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Peter Labrow Peter Labrow

Consumer Duty – the shift to self-policing

This paper looks at how the secure sharing of data across the supply chain is the only way to provide robust evidence that the whole supply chain is acting in the best interests of Consumer Duty.

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