7 MARS integration guides - MorganAsh
intelliflo office integration

intelliflo office integration

This document will walk you through the process of loading your intelliflo office clients into the MorganAsh MARS portal, creating a MARS case, and obtaining a MARS Resilience Rating report (certificate) back into your intelliflo office integration.

XPLAN/IRESS integration

XPLAN/IRESS integration

This document will walk you through the process of loading your XPlan/IRESS clients into the MorganAsh MARS portal, creating a MARS case, and obtaining a MARS Resilience Rating Report (certificate) back into your XPlan/IRESS system.

Our clients say:

The MARS vulnerability report provides valuable live data as to whether a client will get health-rated for life insurance and/or permanent health insurance. It also allows vulnerability tracking throughout the conveyance – which is vital under Consumer Duty.

Mike Kellett Cert PFS Cert CII(MP) Cert ReR, Director, Forbes Consultancy