
PG Mutual is a specialist income protection insurer. Its origins lie with the pharmacy industry, but the company has since widened its distribution to partnering with multiple professional organisations.

PG Mutual started working with MorganAsh in 2007 and has used the company’s tele-interview service ever since. This has been highly successful in improving the accuracy of insurance applications as well as speeding up the application process. 

After adopting the MorganAsh tele-claims service, PG Mutual also took up the claims review service in 2011 – which, in 2017, became the Peace of Mind service. The service assists consumers throughout the duration of their claim. Where appropriate, MorganAsh offers advice and help through their condition and encourages return-to-work strategies.

The service has had great results, notably: 

  • Claimants appreciate being able to talk to a medical professional and receive appropriate advice and 
  • Around 10% have been well enough to return to work, resulting in a considerable saving to PG Mutual.

“The MorganAsh service is fantastic.” – Elisa Ashford, operations manager, PG Mutual

“What I like about MorganAsh, is that they bring innovation and value to our business. They are far more than just a supplier. They are a true partner.” – Mike Perry, CEO, PG Mutual

Our clients say:

The nurse called regularly and gave me so much empathy. It was like having a private counsellor. When I had a call scheduled, I’d get in bed with a cup of tea. She’d ask how I was doing – and got me to open up about my doubts in a way that’s not always possible, even with close family and friends. I can’t express in words how much of a help she was.

Peace of Mind client